Friday, March 17, 2017

Student Success Statement #52

"Character Matters Most"
-Dale Murphy

This is a quote made by Dale Murphy and I agree with it. What this means is that your character counts the most. Not your looks, not your clothes, not what you're good at but your character. It all counts on how you act and how you treat others. You must treat everyone the way you want to be treated. You want to be treated with respect, kindness and all these other things buy you must do the same to others. Character is the greatest thing and it was you should truly worry about. No one wants to be friends with someone who chooses the wrong. Having a good character will make you choose the right all the time. Dale murphy chooses the right all the time and he is a great person. You should too, improve your character and be the best you can. Choose the right all time and you will earn true happieness.

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